Wednesday, 20 July 2011

July 15, 2011

BEWARE THE IDES OF JULY. If you have ever read Julius Caesar, like we have, you will understand our joke.
Today, July 15th, was mostly a travelling day. We woke up at 4:30AM so that we could take a 2 and a half hour bus ride to the Rome airport. The plane departed at 10:35AM, and the group of students just barely made it onto the flight. After a 2 hour flight, we had to wait in the bus for a student because he had lost his luggage. This is the second time the airport has lost an Italy/Greece student’s luggage on this trip! Fortunately, our bad luck seemed to end upon our arrival to Athens, and everyone was exited for our new exploration of Greece. After a 45 minute bus ride to the hotel in Athens, we relaxed for a couple of hours. Some people went to the pool, others did laundry, and the rest just took it easy until dinner. Dinner was buffet style, and it had a very wide selection of food. The hotel was 4 stars, and although we were only staying for one night, it was still very nice. Instead of going out that night, we decided to enjoy a relaxing evening in the hotel, and many people started their CPT essay. Some of us however, got together for some old fashion fun and games. The Ides of July was halfway point of our trip where we transferred from Italy to Greece. If you are really missing us, just know that our trip is half over! We all miss everyone at home, and the next 2 weeks will be filled with beautiful beaches and blue waters.

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